Beyond Piano Awake: A Primer

As I sit down to make my very first entry upon this virginal space, I find myself reflecting on my many years of playing, touring, teaching and counseling; not just piano, singing, songwriting and performance, but also in regards to many individuals spiritual and life paths. To some, these subjects may seem like completely different universes, but after 45 years of mostly quiet and committed inner work, that notion is simply not the case. One might focus on a musical path or a spiritual path or any path or process but ultimately, in essence, all paths merge into the One; it is just a matter of depth, awareness and the degree of our sincerity in “The Work.”

So when we find ourselves completely available; when we become open minded, open hearted and truly open armed to life in the always present moment; inviting, inclusive, receptive and willing to entertain the possibility that we may not know what we think we know, we then begin to “think higher” and “feel deeper.” For a musician or any artist, the creative process is a spiritual path, where we are invited to discover the fertile ground of our creative freedom in the “open stillness.”

What I continue to notice over the many years of my own teaching is that it is actually the fundamentals of the musical or spiritual teachings that are the most important, potent and impactful; that it is the basic elements of the teaching that hold the true power to help transform our lives.

These basics – the most transformational element of any teaching — are also the easiest to forget, because our minds have a natural tendency to move into complexity. The mind believes, the more subtle and complex the teaching is the more accurately it reflects reality. I have found this to be just another aspect of the “great illusion” within the human condition, one that has generated tremendous suffering for humanity for thousands of years.

I notice when I speak in a clear, connected way about essential musical and or spiritual insights, beginners as well as journeymen players and seekers, who have been on the path or paths for decades, derive tremendous benefit and often a deep sense of relief.

While there are more subtle and complex parts of any teaching, as there are in mine, what I’ve seen is that these are actually not that important; time after time I’ve seen that the simpler the teaching is, the more powerful and transformative it is.

Our minds have a hard time believing this — how something so simple can be so powerful.

Beyond even any teaching, there are other essential elements that I’ve experienced to be invaluable, quite profound and so helpful for so many along “the way.” Such as, an open receptivity to our lightness, our unique sweet sense of humor; that divine natural “felt” sense of humor, playfulness, and wonder, that’s innately already within.

What I also find vital is having a “willingness” to slow down, even stop, and fully digest what we hear, listening impartially; no judgment or condemnation, because ultimately the truth of any teaching can never be found in words. Rather truth is found in that which is revealed inside our own selves, thru personal investigation and “direct experience.” By exploring in this way we make the teaching our own. We begin to truly recognize and realize that creative freedom or any “real” liberation from the limited egoic mind field is always, in all ways, an “inside-out” job! Not only do we begin to re-awaken and “remember,” but now, through us, the “Piano Awakes!”

“The teacher and the taught, together, produce the Teaching.”

– Zen (Sufi) wisdom